Santa’s Virtual Mailbox

Would you like Kris to correspond to your child’s letter? We make it easy for you! Since 2020, Kris & Holly has made it a tradition to respond to children’s letters to Santa. We’d love to offer that to you as well. There is never a charge for this service, and we love answering letters. All you need to do is take a clear photograph of your children’s letter and send it to kris @ krisandholly dot com. Please include any information you think Santa ought to know (e.g., ways the child has been nice/naughty, things they could improve on, pets, etc.) Also, please indicate whether you would like your child’s letter to be considered for the next volume of Tales from Kris & Holly.

Your letter will be replied to with an unsigned PDF which you can print out. We use the OpenDyslexic font for easier reading for anyone with Dyslexia and a custom letterhead that makes everything official. Print it out, sign it, and delight your child!

Here’s an example of one child’s letter and my response. (This exchange appears in the new Tales from Kris & Holly, Vol. 1, available at Amazon).


If you would like to donate something toward this effort:

Kris & Holly never accepts money for responses from Santa. However, if you would like to donate money to a worthy cause, we recommend the following:

United 24 - Helping Ukraine defend itself and rebuild.

Magen David Adom - Jewish Red Cross

IFRC - International Red Cross and Red Crescent

St. Jude’s Hospital

OpenDyslexic - Providing typefaces for readers with Dyslexia. Tales from Kris & Holly and all letters from Santa are written in OpenDyslexic 3.0 font.